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What You Need to Know


Part of being a responsibly armed citizen is being armed - not only with a firearm, but with the knowledge it takes to employ that firearm safely, effectively, and legally. It is imperative that the concealed/open carrier knows the laws surrounding their use of deadly force, locations where firearms are prohibited, safety and storage guidelines in the home, and much more.


FirstLine Development Group is now offering the License to Carry course through our partners at the Texas Carry Academy! The online course provides a trimmed-down version of the course that can be completed online in the convenience of your own home. While the in-person class provides much more information and is still our preferred method, this option is very helpful for students on the go. This course option is made up of 2 major components; the online classroom lecture and the in-person qualification. 



  1. As of September 1, 2021, Texas became a Constitutional Carry state, meaning a person that meets certain requirements is not required to have an LTC in order to carry a firearm. While an LTC is no longer necessary to carry within state lines, please check out this article to learn more about the advantages and benefits of having your license.  

  2. License to Carry is also now available for applicants ages 18-20! The Department of Public Safety will no longer deny applications strictly due to age restrictions. 



The classroom lecture is a DPS-mandated 4-6 hours of instruction discussing the use of force, safe storage of firearms in the home, laws regarding the carrying of handguns, non-violent dispute resolution, and more. This information is followed by a 25-question multiple-choice exam that must be passed with a 70% or more in order to receive your completion certificate. The instructor will give you clear instructions at the end of the class informing you on how you will submit your form, file your application, and have your fingerprints taken. 

Note: While FirstLine Development Group is here to guide you, we are not able to assist you with the actual submission of the paperwork. Once you are provided with your LTC-100 form by the instructors at Texas Carry Academy, you are responsible for completing the other steps that are discussed in the class in order to receive your License to Carry in the mail. This includes scheduling your in-person qualification. 



For online students, the DPS still requires a shooting proficiency demonstration to take place.


  • If you are located in Dallas/Fort Worth TX, contact to schedule an appointment for your qualification. The cost for this qualification is $50.

  • If you are elsewhere in the Great State of Texas, please use Texas Carry Academy's Instructor Locator to find a qualified instructor in your area. 


The proficiency demonstration/qualification is not for first-timers. If you have never shot a handgun before, please consider some basic handgun proficiency training (like our BaseLine Handgun class or a private lesson) before enrolling.. This portion of the LTC is intended to ensure proficiency in handling, safety, and general accuracy of the shooter, not to guide you along your first steps in handgun shooting. You don't have to be an expert, but you need to have some general knowledge. Any shooters deemed unsafe or unprepared on the range will sit out the qualification and will be required to requalify at another time.


That being said, the qualification is not prohibitively difficult. Proficiency is graded using a 50-round live-fire qualification - 20 rounds at 3 yards, 20 rounds at 7 yards, and 10 rounds at 15 yards fired at a regulation B-27 target. These strings of fire will be provided to you as the demonstration is taking place, so memorization is not necessary. This is meant to prove to the instructor that you understand how to operate your firearm safely and can shoot it within a reasonable degree of accuracy. 


Do not worry about the proficiency demonstration! The shooting standards are not designed to fail you, but to set a baseline. You have a maximum of 3 attempts to pass the shooting portion if needed. 

What You Need to Bring

  • Your LTC-100 or LTC-101 Form (certificate of completion)

  • An unloaded handgun in a bag or case*

  • 1 unloaded magazine

  • At least 50 rounds of quality ammunition (no steel case), 100 is recommended

  • Eye and ear protection 

  • Your valid Driver License

  • Notepad and pen/pencil

  • Snacks and drinks - we will not break for a long lunch


*Handguns and their magazines MUST be unloaded upon entry to the facility. Traditional handguns and revolvers only - no AR/AK pistols allowed. If shooting a 5-shot revolver instead of a 6-shot, please inform the instructor before the qualification begins.

Questions? Please visit the "Contact Us" page to get in touch.

©2023 FirstLine Development Group

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